Crawl TGPs and automatically download 1000's of free pictures.
Nici is software for Windows that is specialized to crawl TGPs downloading the (literally) millions of free pictures that are posted to them.
Free TGP pictures can be automatically harvested and saved to your computer using Nici. Nici identifies TGPs, and pages with similar structure, as directory pages. Nici displays the TGP as you would see it in a browser, the difference is, when you click on the links, the pages are added to a "download line" (or download queue). Nici then automatically works its way down the line, crawling each free TGP picture page, finding the full size pictures, and then downloading them.
Nici can be further automated by turning on its auto pilot. This will download and crawl TGP pages, selecting TGP pic pages to download based on "boost" and "block" preference words that you can enter.
Nici TGP crawler screenshot after crawling this page: